2023 Innovative Swimwear Trends Inspired by Runway Collections

From poolside pieces to ready-to-wear and yachting essentials, 2023 Miami Swim Week had all of the designs for women looking to spice up their swimwear collection. 

Not only are designers making waves with their curve-illusion cuts and colorways, they’re taking it a step further and innovating a brand new look for both one and two-pieces.

Innovation in fashion has been able to make one article of clothing into a whole new wardrobe. Not only that, but the designers of 2023 Miami Swim Week have created swimwear pieces that are both trends on TikTok and newly patented designs.

Tan-through Swimwear

Tan-through swimwear is a newly trending design on TikTok with over 44 million views and multiple videos reviewing the highly innovative design that doesn’t give tan lines. The mesh fabric is so well designed, that the swimwear catches sun rays through the 150,000 microscopic holes of the fabric, all while keeping you looking as good as ever while you lay by the pool or take a swim. 

Designers like True Tone Swimwear debuted their tan-through swimwear in 2022 at New York Fashion Week. They received such high acclaim for their innovative swimwear, that they have already created a large following of those curious of its innovation and interested in not having tan lines. Because really, what’s better than an even tan!?

True Tone Swimwear

Bare Swimwear
Deep-V Back Bikini Bottom

The Deep-V bikini bottom was debuted at 2023 Miami Swim Week by designer Armani Sadeghi of Vasaro. With the wearer in mind, Sadeghi designed theDeep-V bikini bottom to never pull or tug while sitting down. It doesn’t bunch like your average bikini bottom or sag when wet. It fits perfectly between the buttox, giving little tan lines as well as a sense of comfort and seduction all in one.

